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Can Dogs Eat Oranges

It is not uncommon to want to spoil your dog by sharing your favorite snacks instead of a dog treat. After all, if it is safe for you to eat then it will also be safe for your dog. Our today’s focus is on oranges, you might get questions in your mind if your dog can eat oranges? So, in this blog post, we will answer all the questions that pop into your mind about dogs and oranges.

Dogs digest foods differently than humans and eating the wrong foods can cause long-term health problems. In extreme cases, it can even lead to severe problems. Dogs are omnivores, they have no real need for fruits and vegetables in their diet. You can give them fruits and vegetables occasionally not on a regular basis.

Can dogs eat oranges?

Can dogs eat oranges?

To all the questions in people’s minds that if a dog can eat oranges or not? Well, yes, dogs can eat oranges. Oranges are fine for dogs to eat but they may not be fans of any strong-smelling citrus. Oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C and fibers. In small quantities, the juicy flesh of an orange can be a very tasty treat for your dog. In fact, vets do recommend peeling the skin off and giving the flesh to your dogs in small quantities minus any seeds. Orange peel is very rough on the digestive systems of dogs.

How much of an orange can dogs eat?

You should only give your dog a wedge or two but not more than that. Small dogs shouldn’t eat more than one-third of orange while large dogs can have a whole orange. You must not give them whole orange in one serving. Peel the orange skin completely off an orange and take out all the seeds. After removing the seeds, cut the orange flesh into small pieces and give them only one to two pieces at a time. Make sure to check any side effects on your dog after giving them oranges.

3 big benefits of oranges

Not only oranges can make a good treat for your dog but they can also provide health benefits. The benefits of oranges are rounded up below:

  1. Great source of Dietary Fiber

Oranges are a great source of dietary fiber which is very beneficial for the digestive health of the stomach. Dietary fiber in oranges will help your dog to feel great and help his digestive system to be stronger. The dietary fiber also helps dogs to absorb natural sugars more quickly.

  • Vitamin C

Although dogs produce vitamin C on their own but giving an additional source doesn’t hurt. Dogs with liver diseases that cannot produce vitamin C on their own should have oranges in their diet. As orange is full of vitamin C, it can boost the vitamin in your dog’s body to make him more joyful.

  • For overweight dogs

If your dog is overweight, an orange slice is a great alternative to fattening dog foods. A small portion of orange will be a great sweet snack and won’t add much sugar to their diet. Natural sugar is always more beneficial than artificial sugar.

Can dogs drink orange juice?

Orange juice is not considered healthy for your dog but it is not toxic. Orange juice is strongly acidic. If your dog drinks a full glass of orange juice, he may suffer from vomiting and diarrhea. He may drink more water to counter this problem. Keep an eye on your dog and check symptoms. He should be fine if he does consume a full glass but it will not provide any benefits.

Orange juice has the following concerns:

  1. Highly Acidic

Orange juice is highly acidic and in short term, it will cause damage to the digestive system of your dog which will further cause diarrhea. Consuming a full glass of orange juice may cause genuine problems for your dog, including dehydration. It may cause dental problems too, like tooth decay and gum problems.

  • Sugary

Orange juice is highly sugary. Dogs that consume high sugary foods or drinks gain weight quickly. Consuming sugary diets can cause health problems like diabetes and can even cause heart problems. Sugary diets are also another factor in dental problems.

Is orange juice safe for your dog?

If your dog has a few mouthfuls of orange juice then there is no need to worry. However, there are very few health benefits, as dogs can produce vitamins on their own. Their body is capable of producing all the necessary vitamins on its own. You should stick to giving your dog plain water to hydrate him.

When can oranges be bad for dogs?

While it’s generally safe to feed oranges but it may cause some problems

First, oranges contain high fiber, and giving your dog too much fiber can lead to digestion problems. If your dog has had stomach problems in the past, then you should avoid giving oranges.

Second, oranges contain a high dose of natural sugars, and giving your dog sugar can lead to dental problems. A high dose of natural sugars can cause diabetes as well as gum problems and tooth decay.

oranges bad for dog


In this blog post, we have discussed all the questions about dogs and oranges. Can dog eat oranges? Or can dog drink orange juice? We have answered it all. Oranges are fine for dogs to eat unless they are not consuming more then one or two wedges of oranges. Oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C and fibers. In small quantities, the juicy flesh of an orange can be a very tasty treat for your dog. Small dogs shouldn’t eat more than one-third of orange while large dogs can have a whole orange. You must not give them whole orange in one serving. Peel the orange skin completely off an orange and take out all the seeds. After removing the seeds, cut the orange flesh into small pieces and give them only one to two pieces at a time.

Orange juice is not considered healthy for your dog but it is not toxic. Orange juice is strongly acidic. If your dog drinks a full glass of orange juice, he may suffer from vomiting and diarrhea. If your dog has a few mouthfuls of orange juice then there is no need to worry.

Hope this article helped you answer some of your questions, if so, share it with your friends and also let us know what was missing by providing feedback.

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