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How To Reduce Cat Shedding(8 Proven Methods)


There are many reasons for cat shedding. For example, if the cat is in a stressful environment, it will start to shed. Cats also have a natural tendency to shed their fur in order to keep themselves warm during winter. It’s part of living with a furry animal. However, there are things you can do to get your cat’s shedding under control and sometimes even reduce the amount of shedding they do. If you own a cat and are looking for ways to reduce the amount of shedding, there are some things that you can do. The following tips will help you reduce the amount of fur your cat sheds

Brush your cat regularly

Brushing your cat regularly can make a huge difference in the amount of cat hair that is lying around your house. It minimizes ingrown hairs and removes dirt, dead hair and dandruff that can contribute to unhealthy skin. Brushing will also prevent your cat from developing unmanageable matted fur.

A short brushing each day will help reduce shedding. For cats that don’t like brushing, using a casting mitt or massage brush can help with their anxiety, especially when treating sensitive areas.

cat care

Create a fur-friendly location

Part of the problem with cat hair and shedding is that cats love to lay on things we’d rather not have hair on. Cats seem to have a ‘sixth sense’ which ensures that their favorite place to sleep is also your favorite chair or pillow! While you probably can’t convince them not to hang out, you can cover the area with something to lie on. You can try applying catnip or a relaxing spray to the place where the cat would prefer to rest.

This strategy doesn’t exactly reduce cat shedding does, but it does minimize the spread of hair around your house. Cat trees are ideal for providing personal space for your cat. You can also try putting a washable blanket over their favorite sleeping spot.


Running a stream of water through your hair is a surefire way to remove loose strands. If you’re brave enough to try it, it works for your cat too. Cat-friendly shampoos will help nourish dry skin and loosen dead hair. Bathing is difficult for most cats, so it might be best to reserve it twice a year, in the spring and fall, when your cat is shedding most of its fur, or have it done by a groomer.


Keep your cat hydrated

Ensuring your cat is well hydrated will improve overall coat quality and health. It sounds simple, but it often isn’t. Cats are notorious for not drinking enough water, so how do you change that? The easiest way is to introduce wet food into your cat’s diet. A cat can get up to half of the recommended daily water intake from one can of wet food.

Other options include changing the water bowl or its location. Make sure your cat feels safe near its bowl, or consider elevating it for easier access. Some cats enjoy a drinker or drink from a glass on your nightstand!

cat hydrated

Stress Reduction

Hopefully, your cat lives a stress-free life, but if there has been a recent major life change, such as a move or a new family member, stress may be the cause of additional shedding. While you may not be able to change the circumstances, you can calm your cat down and reduce her stress level until she adjusts.

Diet Alterations

Poor diets or diets lacking essential vitamins and minerals can cause excessive shedding because they make your cat’s coat more fragile and more likely to shed. Adding more omega-3 and -6 fatty acids to their diet is the easiest change, as these compounds directly affect the amount of shedding your cat does. It will take about 6 weeks to see a benefit, so a skin-supporting supplement or food should be taken year-round.


It should come as no surprise that one of the easiest and most effective ways to stop shedding is to shave your hair. You can do it yourself or hire a professional groomer to give your cat a good trim.


The most important thing to remember if you decide to shave your cat is to never use clippers without a guard. You’re not really “shaving” the fur as much as shortening it, and removing the guard puts you at risk of cutting your cat’s skin.


When your cat sheds heavily, the mess builds up quickly and gets bigger every day. If you vacuum every day, you can minimize the impact of the mess, even if you don’t actually reduce the amount of shedding that occurs. Of course, not all hair is on the floor, so you should also dust every day and get rid of hair that has settled on bookshelves and shelves.

Why do cats shed?

Most cats shed their fur twice a year, usually in the spring and fall. During this time, they will lose most of their body hair and all of it will be replaced by a new set. With the arrival of autumn, they will grow in thicker fur, and as the spring days lengthen, in thinner fur. While you may think this coat change is due to cold temperatures, it’s actually changes in day length and the amount of melatonin they produce in response to light that prompts your cat to shed and grow new fur.

In addition, your cat’s coat is constantly being renewed even between these shedding times. This happens on a much smaller scale, when each hair reaches its end, falls out and is replaced by a new one.


Brushing your cat regularly can make a huge difference in the amount of cat hair that is lying around your house. It minimizes ingrown hairs and removes dirt, dead hair and dandruff that can contribute to unhealthy skin. Brushing will also prevent your cat from developing unmanageable matted fur. You can try applying catnip or a relaxing spray to the place where the cat would prefer to rest. Ensuring your cat is well hydrated will improve overall coat quality and health. If you vacuum every day, you can minimize the impact of the mess, even if you don’t actually reduce the amount of shedding that occurs.

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