How Long Do Parakeets

How Long Do Parakeets Live? Lifespan & Care Tips

Parakeets are cute small pets of different colors. These adorable little pies bring a lot of joy into their owner’s lives. As they are very cute and beautiful pets, many people wonder how long do parakeets live. 

The life span of the parakeets varies but the average life of this pet is 10-20 years. But if you take a lot of care of the parakeets then they can live up to 40 years happily. But this is rare to live such a long life. These charming pets often build a string with their owners and become the most loving family members. You can know all the information that you want about your cute bird by reading more. 

How Long Do Parakeets Live

How to Tell if a Parakeet is Male or Female

If you are wondering to understand the difference between male vs female parakeets then you need to follow some steps. I give you some steps so you can easily identify the sex of your little parakeet. 

Check the Cere

The cere is the small and fleshy area above your parakeet’s beak where the nostrils are located. In males, the cere is usually a bright blue or purple color, especially in adult birds. In females, the cere tends to be a lighter color, like brown or tan and may have a more textured appearance.

Parakeet is Male or Female

Observe Behavior

One easy sign to identify is that the Male parakeets are often more vocal and may sing or chirp more frequently. They are also more likely to engage in playful or attention-seeking behavior. Female parakeets might be quieter and less likely to sing. So if you have a male parakeet you can easily identify it from its singing and voice. 

Look at the Coloration

In some parakeet breeds, males and females have different color patterns. For example, in the common green parakeet, males usually have more vibrant and intense colors, while females might have duller shades. So, color also helps to identify them. 

Examine Size and Shape

The size of the male parakeets is slightly large and has a more rounded head compared to females, who may have a more streamlined appearance. 

Factors That Affect How Long Do Parakeets Live

To help your pet parakeet live a long and happy life, it’s important to provide the best care possible. Here’s how you can ensure your feathered friend thrives:

Balanced Diet 

A balanced diet is important for your parakeet’s health. You need to give them a mix of high-quality seeds, and fresh fruits. You have to offer different types of diets help to keep your bird healthy. Avoid giving them sugary or fatty foods, and always make sure they have fresh water available.

Plenty of Exercises 

Parakeets are very active birds they want to fly all over the cage. To keep them energetic you can offer some toys so that they can enjoy and remain physically and mentally healthy. 

Spend Quality Time Together 

Parakeets love the interaction with different people. Always spend some time playing with your bird, and teach them tricks. This interaction provides both mental stimulation and a strong bond between you and your pet.

How Long Do Parakeets

Can Parakeets Eat Grapes?

If you are wondering if can parakeets eat grapes then don’t need to worry because Yes, parakeets can eat grapes. Sometimes you are eating grapes and also want to share some portion with your lovely pet. Grapes are very good for birds as they contain vitamins and also water in them. By giving grapes to the parkettes they can also take some water so they don’t cause any dehydration with it. 

But make sure to wash grapes before giving them and cut them into small pieces. Don’t give them a full piece in one go as it causes choking in them. Don’t give grapes as the main replacement for a main meal because they need their food to contain nutrients.  

Can Parakeets Eat Grapes?

Common Health Problems in Parakeets and How to Avoid Them

When you know the answer to how long do parakeets live then you also want to understand the health problems in them. Parakeets can sometimes face health issues, but there are ways to keep them healthy. So I highlight some health problems and don’t worry I’ll add their precautions. 

Feather Plucking 

It occurs when the parakeets pull out their own features. This is due to boredom or stress. To prevent this, make sure your parakeet has plenty of toys, social interaction, and a comfortable living space.

Respiratory Issues 

Respiratory problems can occur if the cage is dirty or if your parakeet is exposed to drafts. For this, you need to keep the cage clean and place it in a draft-free area. If you notice any breathing difficulties or unusual sounds, consult a vet.


Parakeets can become overweight if they eat too many fatty foods or don’t get enough exercise. To avoid this problem provide them a balanced diet with a mix of seeds, fruits, and vegetables, and make sure your parakeet has plenty of opportunities to play and move around.


Understanding how long parakeets live is essential for anyone thinking about bringing one of these charming birds into their home. On average, parakeets live between 10 to 20 years with proper care, though some can live even longer. By providing a balanced diet, regular exercise, a safe environment, and routine veterinary care, you can help ensure that your parakeet enjoys a long, happy life.

Taking good care of your parakeet not only helps them live a longer life but also strengthens the bond you share. So, if you’re wondering, “How long do parakeets live?” remember that with the right care, you can help your pet make the most of their years with you.


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